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Prym1 MP
Our most versatile hybrid pattern to date, built for the all-season hunter, Prym1 MP (multi-purpose) is as effective up in the stand or out on the ground.​ Featuring lighter tones with subtle hints of organic browns and greens, MP has been fine-tuned to better handle the changing seasons, functioning more as our go-to all-season pattern, whilst also allowing for further engagement distances - in terrain with either dense foliage or without.​

Umbra Shadow Camouflage
Developed by FFS Outdoor as the perfect walk and stalk camo. Its light grey and darker shadows give a natural depth of field in the open, or when on a mountain. Its perfect for those that creep from one shaded tree to the next

FFS Bush
Developed by FFS Outdoor to be the counter to the Umbra. This is an effective camouflage for heavy bush, grass or wooded areas. Its the perfect walk and stalk camouflage for the dryer parts of South Africa.

Soldier 3000 PEAK
The Soldier 3000 forms part of our heritage camouflage which tips its hat to the Soldier 2000 camouflage worn by the South African Military and Police forces. This adaptation was designed for the Mountain hunter that goes above tree-line and into sparse bush. The shade of grey blend well into natural forming rock, with hints of green and brown for moss, or shrubs. The dark tones give a contrast to the lighter colours which creates the depth or 3D effect and replicates shadows.